Source code for


import warnings
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp  # type: ignore
import umap  # type: ignore
from anndata import AnnData  # type: ignore

import metacells.parameters as pr
import metacells.utilities as ut

__all__ = [

[docs] @ut.logged() @ut.timed_call() @ut.expand_doc() def umap_by_distances( adata: AnnData, distances: Union[str, ut.ProperMatrix] = "umap_distances", *, prefix: str = "", k: int = pr.umap_k, dimensions: int = 2, min_dist: float = pr.umap_min_dist, spread: float = pr.umap_spread, random_seed: int, ) -> None: """ Compute layout for the observations using UMAP, based on a distances matrix. **Input** The input annotated ``adata`` is expected to contain a per-observation-per-observation property ``distances`` (default: {distances}), which describes the distance between each two observations (cells). The distances must be non-negative, symmetrical, and zero for self-distances (on the diagonal). **Returns** Sets the following annotations in ``adata``: Observation (Cell) Annotations ``<prefix>x``, ``<prefix>y`` Coordinates for UMAP 2D projection of the observations (if ``dimensions`` is 2). ``<prefix>u``, ``<prefix>v``, ``<prefix>w`` Coordinates for UMAP 3D projection of the observations (if ``dimensions`` is 3). **Computation Parameters** 1. Invoke UMAP to compute a layout of some ``dimensions`` (default: {dimensions}D) using ``min_dist`` (default: {min_dist}), ``spread`` (default: {spread}) and ``k`` (default: {k}). If the spread is lower than the minimal distance, it is raised. If ``random_seed`` is not zero, then it is passed to UMAP to force the computation to be reproducible. However, this means UMAP will use a single-threaded implementation that will be slower. """ assert dimensions in (2, 3) if isinstance(distances, str): distances_matrix = ut.get_oo_proper(adata, distances) else: distances_matrix = distances # UMAP dies when given a dense matrix. distances_csr = sp.csr_matrix(distances_matrix) spread = max(min_dist, spread) # UMAP insists. # UMAP implementation doesn't know to reduce K by itself. n_neighbors = min(k, adata.n_obs - 2) random_state: Optional[int] = None if random_seed != 0: random_state = random_seed try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") coordinates = umap.UMAP( metric="precomputed", n_neighbors=n_neighbors, spread=spread, min_dist=min_dist, n_components=dimensions, random_state=random_state, ).fit_transform(distances_csr) except ValueError: # UMAP implementation doesn't know how to handle too few edges. # However, it considers structural zeros as real edges. distances_matrix = ut.to_numpy_matrix(distances_matrix, copy=True) distances_matrix += 1.0 np.fill_diagonal(distances_matrix, 0.0) distances_csr = sp.csr_matrix(distances_matrix) -= 1.0 coordinates = umap.UMAP( metric="precomputed", n_neighbors=n_neighbors, spread=spread, min_dist=min_dist, random_state=random_state ).fit_transform(distances_csr) all_sizes = [] all_coordinates = [] for axis in range(dimensions): axis_coordinates = ut.to_numpy_vector(coordinates[:, axis], copy=True) min_coordinate = np.min(coordinates) max_coordinate = np.max(coordinates) size = max_coordinate - min_coordinate assert size > 0 all_sizes.append(size) all_coordinates.append(axis_coordinates) if dimensions == 2: all_names = ["x", "y"] elif dimensions == 3: all_names = ["u", "v", "w"] else: assert False order = np.argsort(all_sizes) for axis, name in zip(order, all_names): ut.set_o_data(adata, f"{prefix}{name}", all_coordinates[axis])
[docs] @ut.logged() @ut.timed_call() @ut.expand_doc() def spread_coordinates( adata: AnnData, *, prefix: str = "", suffix: str = "_spread", cover_fraction: float = pr.spread_cover_fraction, noise_fraction: float = pr.spread_noise_fraction, random_seed: int, ) -> None: """ Move UMAP points so they cover some fraction of the plot area without overlapping. **Input** The input annotated ``adata`` is expected to contain the per-observation properties ``<prefix>x`` and ``<prefix>y`` (default prefix: {prefix}) which contain the UMAP coordinates. **Returns** Sets the following annotations in ``adata``: Observation (Cell) Annotations ``<prefix>x<suffix>``, ``<prefix>y<suffix>`` (default suffix: {suffix}) The new coordinates which will be spread out so the points do not overlap and cover some fraction of the total plot area. **Computation Parameters** 1. Move the points so they cover ``cover_fraction`` (default: {cover_fraction}) of the total plot area. Also add a noise of the ``noise_fraction`` (default: {noise_fraction}) of the minimal distance between the points. A non-zero ``random_seed`` will make this reproducible. """ assert 0 < cover_fraction < 1 assert noise_fraction >= 0 x_coordinates = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, f"{prefix}x") y_coordinates = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, f"{prefix}y") x_coordinates, y_coordinates = ut.cover_coordinates( x_coordinates, y_coordinates, cover_fraction=cover_fraction, noise_fraction=noise_fraction, random_seed=random_seed, ) ut.set_o_data(adata, f"{prefix}x{suffix}", x_coordinates) ut.set_o_data(adata, f"{prefix}y{suffix}", y_coordinates)