Source code for


from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData  # type: ignore

import metacells.utilities as ut

__all__ = [

[docs] @ut.logged() @ut.timed_call() def convey_group_to_obs( *, adata: AnnData, gdata: AnnData, group: str = "metacell", property_name: str, formatter: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, to_property_name: Optional[str] = None, default: Any = None, ) -> None: """ Project the value of a property from per-group data to per-observation data. The input annotated ``gdata`` is expected to contain a per-observation (group) annotation named ``property_name``. The input annotated ``adata`` is expected to contain a per-observation annotation named ``group`` which identifies the group each observation (cell) belongs to. This will generate a new per-observation (cell) annotation in ``adata``, named ``to_property_name`` (by default, the same as ``property_name``), containing the value of the property for the group it belongs to. If the ``group`` annotation contains a negative number instead of a valid group index, the ``default`` value is used. """ if to_property_name is None: to_property_name = property_name group_of_obs = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, group, formatter=ut.groups_description) property_of_group = ut.get_o_numpy(gdata, property_name, formatter=formatter) property_of_obs = np.array([default if group < 0 else property_of_group[group] for group in group_of_obs]) ut.set_o_data(adata, to_property_name, property_of_obs)
[docs] @ut.logged() @ut.timed_call() def convey_obs_to_obs( *, adata: AnnData, bdata: AnnData, property_name: str, formatter: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, to_property_name: Optional[str] = None, default: Any = None, ) -> None: """ Project the value of a property from one annotated data to another. The observation names are expected to be compatible between ``adata`` and ``bdata``. The annotated ``adata`` is expected to contain a per-observation (cell) annotation named ``property_name``. This will generate a new per-observation (cell) annotation in ``bdata``, named ``to_property_name`` (by default, the same as ``property_name``), containing the value of the observation with the same name in ``adata``. If no such observation exists, the ``default`` value is used. """ if to_property_name is None: to_property_name = property_name property_of_from = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, property_name, formatter=formatter) property_of_name = {name: property_of_from[index] for index, name in enumerate(adata.obs_names)} property_of_to = np.array([property_of_name.get(name, default) for name in bdata.obs_names]) ut.set_o_data(bdata, to_property_name, property_of_to)
[docs] @ut.logged() @ut.timed_call() def convey_obs_to_group( *, adata: AnnData, gdata: AnnData, group: str = "metacell", property_name: str, formatter: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, to_property_name: Optional[str] = None, method: Callable[[ut.Vector], Any] = ut.most_frequent, ) -> None: """ Project the value of a property from per-observation data to per-group data. The input annotated ``adata`` is expected to contain a per-observation (cell) annotation named ``property_name`` and also a per-observation annotation named ``group`` which identifies the group each observation (cell) belongs to, which must be an integer. This will generate a new per-observation (group) annotation in ``gdata``, named ``to_property_name`` (by default, the same as ``property_name``), containing the aggregated value of the property of all the observations (cells) that belong to the group. The aggregation method (by default, :py:func:`metacells.utilities.computation.most_frequent`) is any function taking an array of values and returning a single value. """ if to_property_name is None: to_property_name = property_name group_of_obs = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, group, formatter=ut.groups_description) property_of_obs = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, property_name, formatter=formatter) assert gdata.n_obs == (np.max(group_of_obs) + 1) property_of_group = np.array([method(property_of_obs[group_of_obs == group]) for group in range(gdata.n_obs)]) ut.set_o_data(gdata, to_property_name, property_of_group)
[docs] @ut.logged() @ut.timed_call() def convey_obs_fractions_to_group( *, adata: AnnData, gdata: AnnData, group: str = "metacell", property_name: str, formatter: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, to_property_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Similar to ``convey_obs_to_group``, but create a per-metacell property for each value of the per-cell property, storing the fraction of cells of the metacell that had that value. The input annotated ``adata`` is expected to contain a per-observation (cell) annotation named ``property_name`` and also a per-observation annotation named ``group`` which identifies the group each observation (cell) belongs to, which must be an integer. This will generate multiple new per-observation (group) annotation in ``gdata``, named ``<to_property_name>_fraction_of_<value>`` (by default, the ``to_property_name`` is the same as ``property_name``), containing the fraction of the metacell cells containing the specific property value. """ if to_property_name is None: to_property_name = property_name property_of_obs = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, property_name, formatter=formatter) unique_values = sorted(np.unique(property_of_obs)) for value in unique_values: convey_obs_to_group( adata=adata, gdata=gdata, group=group, property_name=property_name, to_property_name=f"{to_property_name}_fraction_of_{value}", method=ut.fraction_of_grouped(value), )
[docs] @ut.logged() @ut.timed_call() def convey_obs_obs_to_group_group( *, adata: AnnData, gdata: AnnData, group: str = "metacell", property_name: str, formatter: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, to_property_name: Optional[str] = None, method: Callable[[ut.Matrix], Any] = ut.nanmean_matrix, ) -> None: """ Project the value of a property from per-observation-per-observation data to per-group-per-group data. The input annotated ``adata`` is expected to contain a per-observation-per-observation (cell) annotation named ``property_name`` and also a per-observation annotation named ``group`` which identifies the group each observation (cell) belongs to, which must be an integer. This will generate a new per-observation-per-observation (group) annotation in ``gdata``, named ``to_property_name`` (by default, the same as ``property_name``), containing the aggregated value of the property of all the observations (cells) that belong to the group. The aggregation method (by default, :py:func:`metacells.utilities.computation.nanmean_matrix`) is any function taking a matrix of values and returning a single value. """ if to_property_name is None: to_property_name = property_name group_of_obs = ut.get_o_numpy(adata, group, formatter=ut.groups_description) property_of_obs_obs = ut.get_oo_proper(adata, property_name, formatter=formatter) assert gdata.n_obs == (np.max(group_of_obs) + 1) property_of_group_group = np.empty((gdata.n_obs, gdata.n_obs), dtype=ut.shaped_dtype(property_of_obs_obs)) # TODO: This is a slow implementation. for row_group in range(gdata.n_obs): row_cells = np.where(group_of_obs == row_group)[0] assert len(row_cells) > 0 for column_group in range(gdata.n_obs): column_cells = np.where(group_of_obs == column_group)[0] assert len(column_cells) > 0 property_of_group_group[row_group, column_group] = method( property_of_obs_obs[row_cells, :][:, column_cells] ) ut.set_oo_data(gdata, to_property_name, property_of_group_group)