Source code for


from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import NamedTuple
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from anndata import AnnData  # type: ignore

import metacells.utilities as ut

__all__ = [

[docs] class DefaultValues(NamedTuple): """ Default values to use in :py:func:`apply_obs_annotations` and :py:func:`apply_var_annotations`. """ #: The default value to use for the slice data. slice: Any #: The default value to use for the full data. full: Any def __str__(self) -> str: return f"slice: {self.slice} full: {self.full}"
[docs] class Raise: """ A special value indicating to raise a ``KeyError`` if an annotation does not exist. """
[docs] @ut.logged(annotations=str) @ut.timed_call() def apply_obs_annotations( adata: AnnData, sdata: AnnData, annotations: Dict[str, DefaultValues], *, indices: Union[str, ut.Vector], ) -> None: """ Apply per-observation (cell) annotations of a slice ``sdata`` to the full ``adata``. **Input** Annotated ``adata``, and a slice of it ``sdata``, where the ``indices`` is either the vector of full indices of the slice observations, or the name of a per-observation annotation of ``sdata`` that contains this vector. **Computation Parameters** 1. Loop on each of the named ``annotations``, where the value associated with the name is used as the default value (see below). 2. If the slice data does not contain a per-observation (cell) annotation of this name, consider the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.slice`: * If it is :py:const:`Raise`, raise a ``KeyError``. * If it is :py:const:`Skip`, do not apply the annotation to the full data. * Otherwise, behave as if the annotation's value was a vector containing the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.slice` value. 3. If the full data does not contain a per-observation (cell) annotation of this name, consider the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.full`: * If it is :py:const:`Raise`, raise a ``KeyError``. * If it is :py:const:`Skip`, do not apply the annotation to the full data. * Otherwise, initialize the annotation to a vector containing the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.full` value. 4. Apply the slice data values to the entries of the full data identified by the ``indices``. """ _apply_annotations(adata, sdata, "o", annotations, indices)
[docs] @ut.logged(annotations=str) @ut.timed_call() def apply_var_annotations( adata: AnnData, sdata: AnnData, annotations: Dict[str, DefaultValues], *, indices: Union[str, ut.Vector], ) -> None: """ Apply per-variable (gene) annotations of a slice ``sdata`` to the full ``adata``. **Input** Annotated ``adata``, and a slice of it ``sdata``, where the ``indices`` is either the vector of full indices of the slice variables, or the name of a per-variable annotation of ``sdata`` that contains this vector. **Computation Parameters** 1. Loop on each of the named ``annotations``, where the value associated with the name is used as the default value (see below). 2. If the slice data does not contain a per-variable (gene) annotation of this name, consider the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.slice`: * If it is :py:const:`Raise`, raise a ``KeyError``. * If it is :py:const:`Skip`, do not apply the annotation to the full data. * Otherwise, behave as if the annotation's value was a vector containing the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.slice` value. 3. If the full data does not contain a per-variable (gene) variable of this name, consider the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.full`: * If it is :py:const:`Raise`, raise a ``KeyError``. * If it is :py:const:`Skip`, do not apply the annotation to the full data. * Otherwise, initialize the annotation to a vector containing the :py:attr:`DefaultValues.full` value. 4. Apply the slice data values to the entries of the full data identified by the ``indices``. """ _apply_annotations(adata, sdata, "v", annotations, indices)
def _apply_annotations( # pylint: disable=too-many-branches adata: AnnData, sdata: AnnData, per: str, annotations: Dict[str, DefaultValues], indices: Union[str, ut.Vector], ) -> None: full_name = ut.get_name(adata) slice_name = ut.get_name(sdata) assert per in ("o", "v") if per == "o": full_data = adata.obs full_size = adata.n_obs slice_data = sdata.obs slice_size = sdata.n_obs full_indices = ut.get_o_numpy(sdata, indices) else: full_data = adata.var full_size = adata.n_vars slice_data = sdata.var slice_size = sdata.n_vars full_indices = ut.get_v_numpy(sdata, indices) for name, default_values in annotations.items(): slice_value = slice_data.get(name) if slice_value is not None: formatter: Optional[Callable[[Any], str]] = None else: if default_values.slice == Skip or isinstance(default_values.slice, Skip): continue if default_values.slice == Raise or isinstance(default_values.slice, Raise): if slice_name is None: raise KeyError(f"unknown slice data name: {name}") raise KeyError(f"unknown slice data: {slice_name} name: {name}") slice_value = default_values.slice def formatter(_: Any) -> str: # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop return f"{slice_size} <- {slice_value}" # pylint: enable=cell-var-from-loop full_value = full_data.get(name) if full_value is not None: ut.unfreeze(full_value) else: if default_values.full == Skip or isinstance(default_values.full, Skip): continue if default_values.full == Raise or isinstance(default_values.full, Raise): if full_name is None: raise KeyError(f"unknown full data name: {name}") raise KeyError(f"unknown full data: {full_name} name: {name}") if default_values.full is None: full_value = np.full(full_size, None, dtype="float32") else: full_value = np.full(full_size, default_values.full) full_value[full_indices] = slice_value if per == "o": ut.set_o_data(adata, name, full_value, formatter=formatter) else: ut.set_v_data(adata, name, full_value, formatter=formatter)